vrijdag 25 oktober 2013

The city and the girl

Hello there!!

I've been on the way whole day long!! I'm exhausted and tired but satisfied, the pictures we took today in Rotterdam city are well done. Thanks again to mine lovely, talented sister in law http://omdatikdatwil.blogspot.nl/

 It was a nice day to shoot some pictures, the weather in Holland is really good especially for this time of the year.
you guys like the outfit pictures as much as I do!!
Bigg huggs.

Shoes: H&M
Jeans: Zara
Blouse: Vero Moda

2 opmerkingen:

Adinda zei

Woehoeeee de bombshell booties! Je benen lijken wel tot je oksels te komen, haha! Prachtige foto's!

Unknown zei

hahahahaha omg Din>>> Je benen lijken wel tot je oksels te komen. Naaaaaah ik lach dubbel je laat me weer stuk gaan.
Dankjewel sweety voor je reactie!!!